As every school year, since last January our students of 2nd Bachillerato have taken part in different informative sessions about the options of their professional and academic future.

The main goal of this Educational Conferences Cycle has been answering questions about University access, the changes that the new law of Education “LOMCE” imply, courses that they can study from the different areas of knowledge, in short, and answer all their questions.

Villanueva University, Loyola University and UCAM have taken part in the Educational Guidance Sessions this year, organized from the School.

We would like to point out our trip to Seville, where our students had the chance to visit the University of Loyola and experience first hand its course opportunities, as well as, its facilities and the possibilities that these could give them for their education.

Making the best of the trip, they also visited some of the most representative areas of this beautiful city.

To conclude, last Thursday our students visited the University of Almeria to attend and take part in the informative conferences, which every year are organized by this university.

We hope that education received in the School forms part of the new stage of life that our students of 2º Bachillerato will undertake soon.

We are sure that with will power, effort and hope they will reach their goals.